International Committee Meetings
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Here is some information about past IC meetings. The numbering scheme is taken from the Final IOI'92 Report.
- Meeting: August 2022
- Meeting: December 2022
- 61st Meeting: February 2020
- Minutes(unapproved version)
- 60th Meeting: August 2019
- Minutes(unapproved version)
- 59th Meeting: February 2019
- 58th Meeting: September 2018
- 57th Meeting: February 2018
- 55th Meeting: February 2017
- 54th Meeting: August 2016
- 53rd Meeting: February 2016
- 52nd Meeting: July-August 2015
- 51st Meeting: February 2015
- 50th Meeting: July 2014
- 49th Meeting: February 2014
- 48th Meeting: July 2013
- 47th Meeting: February 2013
- 46th Meeting: September 2012
- 45th Meeting: April 2012
- 44th Meeting: July 2011
- 43rd Meeting: February 2011
- 42nd Meeting: August 2010
- 41st Meeting: March 2010
- 40th Meeting: August 2009
- 39th Meeting: March 2009
- 38th Meeting: August 2008
- 37th Meeting: March 2008
- 36th Meeting: August 2007
- 35th Meeting: March 2007
- 34th Meeting: August 2006
- 33th Meeting: March 2006
- 32th Meeting: August 2005 (at IOI2005)
- 31th Meeting: April 2005
- Minutes
- Executive Director Report
- 30th Meeting: September 11-18, 2004, Athens, Greece (at IOI2004)
- 29th Meeting: March 19-20, 2004, Athens, Greece
- 28th Meeting: August 16-23, 2003, Parkside, Wisconsin, USA (at IOI2003)
- 27th Meeting: March ?, 2003, Parkside, Wisconsin, USA
- 26th Meeting: August 18-25, 2002, Yong-In, Korean Republic (at IOI2002)
- 25 Meeting: March ?, 2002, ?, Korean Republic
- 24th Meeting: July 15-20, 2001, Tampere, Finland (at IOI2001)
- 23rd Meeting: January 27-31, 2001, Tampere, Finland
- 22nd Meeting: September 25-27, 2000, Beijing, China (at IOI2000)
- 21st Meeting: April 22-27, 2000, Beijing, China
- 20th Meeting: October 9-16, 1999, Antalya-Belek, Turkey (at IOI'99)
- 19th Meeting: April 7-10, 1999, Antalya-Belek, Turkey
- 18th Meeting: September 1998, Troia, Portugal (at IOI'98)
- 17th Meeting: March 9-13, 1998, Arrabida, Portugal
- 16th Meeting: December 1-6, 1997, Cape Town, South Africa (at IOI'97)
- 15th Meeting: March 3-7, 1997, Cape Town, South Africa
- 14th Meeting: July 25 - August 2, 1996, Veszprm, Hungary (at IOI'96)
- 13th Meeting: January 27-30, 1996, Hungary
- 12th Meeting: June 30, 1995, in Eindhoven, The Netherlands (at IOI'95)
- 11th Meeting: October 27-30, 1994, in Eindhoven, The Netherlands
- Minutes of this meeting appear in the IOI'95 Newsletter.
- 7th - 10th Meetings: no information available
- 6th Meeting: July 15 and 17, 1992, during IOI'92 in Bonn, Germany
- Minutes of this meeting appear in the Final IOI'92 Report.
- 5th Meeting: October 27 - 30, 1991, in Bonn, Germany
- Minutes of this meeting appear in the Final IOI'92 Report.
- 4th Meeting: during IOI'91 in Athens, Greece
- 3rd Meeting: February 25-28, 1991, in Athens, Greece
- The minutes of this meeting appeared as Chapter 2 in the Final IOI'91 Report. Here the term International Committee was used for the first time. In the Final IOI'91 Report this meeting is called the first meeting of the IC.
- 2nd Meeting: during IOI'90 in Minsk, (Former) USSR
- No minutes available. The Final IOI'90 Report mentions "The Working Group in Coordination of Actions Dealing with the Following Olympiads" and lists the countries represented in the group. There is also a list of 9 "conclusions".
- 1st Meeting: presumably during IOI'89 in Pravetz, Bulgaria
- No minutes available. The Final IOI'89 Report just mentions the names of, what they call, the "Working Group for Coordinating the Activities Referring to Organizing Future IOI".