The third conference "OLYMPIADS IN INFORMATICS" (Plovdiv, Bulgaria, August 10 and 12, 2009)
Theme: "Task Development and Grading"
This is the third OLYMPIADS IN INFORMATICS conference organized during the IOI2009 in Plovdiv, Bulgaria.
In this year, when IOI celebrates its 20 years anniversary, we should think back over the years. Think of the thousands of students who have been given the wonderful opportunity of attending an IOI, and of the hundreds of thousands (if not more) who have been touched across the world by national endeavours. The national olympiads do not exist in isolation, and the papers being presented in the conference show how similar problems arise in different environments. Papers of this conference concentrate on task development and grading.
All papers are published in the journal OLYMPIADS IN INFORMATICS.
PRESENTATIONS 10 August, 2009 10.00-10.30 Opening 10.30-11.00 Michal Forišek (Slovakia). Using item response theory to rate (not only) programmers 11.00-11.30 Abdulrahman Idlbi (Syria). Taking kids into programming (contests) with Scratch 11.30-11.45 Martin Mareš (Czech Republic). Moe − design of a modular grading system 12.00-12.30 Emil Kelevedjiev, Zornitsa Dzhenkova (Bulgaria). Tasks and training intermediate age students for informatics competitions 12.30-13.00 Rob Kolstad (USA). Infrastructure for contest task development 13.00-13.15 Bruce Merry (United Kingdom). Using a Linux security module for contest security 13.15-13.30 Ilia Ninka (Albania). The role of reactive and game tasks in competitions 12 August, 2009 10.00-10.30 Mārtiņš Opmanis (Latvia). Team competition in mathematics and informatics “Ugāle” – finding new task types 10.30-11.00 Timo Poranen (Finland), Valentina Dagiene (Lithuania), Asmund Eldhuset (Norway), Heikki Hyyro (Finland), Marcin Kubica (Poland), Antti Laaksonen (Finland), Martins Opmanis (Latvia), Wolfgang Pohl (Germany), Jurate Skupiene (Lithuania), Par Soderhjelm (Sweden), Ahto Truu (Estonia). Baltic Olympiads in Informatics: Challenges for Training Together 11.00-11.30 Pedro Ribeiro, Pedro Guerreiro (Portugal). Improving the automatic evaluation of problem solutions in programming contests 11.30-11.45 Pavel S. Pankov (Kyrgystan), Kirill A. Baryshnikov (United Arab Emirates). Representational means for tasks in Informatics 12.00-12.15 Willem van der Vegt (The Netherlands). Using subtasks 12.15-12.30 Biserka Yovcheva, Galina Momcheva, Petar Petrov (Bulgaria). jBOI – one more possibility for increasing the number of competitors in Informatics 12.45-13.00 Tom Verhoeff (The Netherlands). 20 Years of IOI competition tasks (presented by Kim Schrijvers) Sava Grozdev (Bulgaria). MITE - Methodology and Information Technologies in Education (Bulgarian-Russian Project)