The fifth conference "OLYMPIADS IN INFORMATICS" (Pattaya, Thailand, July 24 and 26, 2011)

This is the fifth OLYMPIADS IN INFORMATICS conference organized during the IOI2011 in Pattaya, Thailand.

All papers are published in the journal OLYMPIADS IN INFORMATICS.


Sunday, July 24, 2011
10.00-10.15	Opening
10.15-10.45	Tomasz Kulczynski, Jakub Lacki, Jakub Radoszewski. Stimulating Students’ Creativity with Tasks Solved Using Precomputation and Visualization
10.45-11.00	Kentaro Imajo. Contest Environment Using Wireless Networks: A Case Study from Japan
11.00-11.15	Vladimir M. Kiryukhin, Marina S. Tsvetkova. Preparing for the IOI through Developmental Teaching
11.15-11.30	Pavel S. Pankov, Kirill A. Baryshnikov. Tasks of “Mission Impossible” and “Mission Impeded” Types
12.00-12.15	Sébastien Combéfis, Damien Leroy. Belgian Olympiads in Informatics: The Story of Launching a National Contest
12.15-12.45	Bruce Merry, Carl Hultquist. Measuring the Startup Time of a Java Virtual Machine (presented by Keegan Carruthers-Smith)
12.45-13.00	Mario Italiani. Italian Olympiad in Informatics: 10 Years of the Selection and Education Process (presented by Nello Scarabottolo)
13.00-13.15	Kanchit Malaivongs. Preparing Students for IOI: Thailand Country Report

Tuesday, July 26, 2011
10.00-10.30	Grzegorz Jakacki, Marcin Kubica, Tomasz Walen. Codility. Application of Olympiad-Style Code Assessment to Pre-Hire Screening of Programmers (presented by Pawel Idziak)
10.30-10.45	David Ginat. Algorithmic Problem Solving and Novel Associations
10.45-11.00	Ela Zur, Tamar Benaya, Oren Becker, David Ginat. Israel: The Regional and National Competitions
11.00-11.30	Krassimir Manev, Nikolai Nikolov, Minko Markov. Reconstruction of Trees Using Metric Properties
12.00-12.30	Martin Mareš. Fairness of Time Constraints
12.30-12.45	Arturo Cepeda, Margarita Garcia. Mexican Olympiad in Informatics
12.45-13.15	Discussion on Teaching and Learning Computer Science (Informatics) for K-12 [ Final report of the ACM K-12 Task Force Curriculum Committee] [CSTA K-12 Computer Science Standards]
Pavel S. Pankov, Jyldyz R. Janalieva. Learning programming by means of composing generalized tasks with random choice by pupils Ries Kock. Beaver contest Wolfgang Pohl. Informatics Teaching and Talents in Germany Willem van der Vegt. Informatics in secondary education in the Netherlands Seiichi Tani. Educational System & Information Study in Japan