Previous Contest Tasks
Here is the list of competition tasks for past IOIs:IOI 1989 - Pravetz, Bulgaria
IOI 1990 - Minsk, Belarussian Republic, Soviet Union
IOI 1991 - Athens, Greece
IOI 1992 - Bonn, Germany
IOI 1993 - Mendoza, Argentina
IOI 1994 - Haninge, Sweden
IOI 1995 - Eindhoven, The Netherlands
IOI 1996 - Veszprém, Hungary
IOI 1997 - Cape Town, South Africa
IOI 1998 - Setúbal, Portugal
IOI 1999 - Antalya-Belek, Turkey
IOI 2000 - Beijing, China
IOI 2001 - Tampere, Finland
IOI 2002 - Yong-In, Korean Republic
IOI 2003 - Kenosha, Wisconsin, USA
IOI 2004 - Athens, Greece
IOI 2005 - Nowy Sacz, Poland
IOI 2006 - Mérida, Yucatán, Mexico
IOI 2007 - Zagreb, Croatia
IOI 2008 - Cairo, Egypt
IOI 2009 - Plovdiv, Bulgaria
IOI 2010 - Waterloo, Canada
IOI 2011 - Pattaya, Thailand
IOI 2012 - Sirmione - Montichiari, Italy
IOI 2013 - Brisbane, Australia
IOI 2014 - Taipei, Taiwan
IOI 2015 - Almaty, Kazakhstan
IOI 2016 - Kazan, Russian Federation
IOI 2017 - Tehran, Iran
IOI 2018 - Tsukuba, Japan
IOI 2019 - Baku, Azerbaijan
IOI 2020 - Singapore (online)
Note that the grading model changed at IOI'94 and beyond.
Before IOI'94, a human evaluator would sit behind the competitor's computer and do the testing manually (enter test data through the keyboard, check the output on the screen). I don't know how the test cases were specified (may be written on a piece of paper) and how carefully they were applied. Starting at IOI'94 an automatic grading process has been used, with test input defined in files.