Minutes of General Assembly

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    Meetings held at IOI 2001, Tampere from 14 to 19 July 2001

    Present: Team leaders, Deputy Team leaders, members of the International Committee (IC), International Scientific Committee (ISC), IOI 2000 Scientific Committee, Members of the Organising Committee IOI 2000.

      Meeting held on 14 July 2001

    1. The Chairman of the International Committee, Zide Du, welcomed all to the meeting. A particular welcome was extended to three new countries who were participating for the first time this year. The delegation leaders of Mauritius, Norway and Tunisia were recognised by GA. Observers from India were also recognised and welcomed.
    2. The Chairman explained that the specific purpose of the meeting was to discuss the Rules and Regulations of the competition. He then handed the meeting over to the Chairman of the International Scientific Committee, Tom Verhoeff,, who sketched the history leading up to the establishment of the ISC and outlined its role. He drew attention to the decisions taken at IOI 2000 and submitted the proposed changes for 2001.

      Jyrki Nummenmaa, Chairman of the Scientific Committee of IOI2001 then took members of GA through the Competition Rules for 2001. This information had been conveyed to Contestants and Delegation Leaders some time ago and had been available. on the web site. He used a problem called Rockets to demonstrate how the new rules would impact on the competition. The practice competition scheduled for the following day would be used to iron out any problems.

      After discussion regarding the procedures outlined in the changes to clause S7, it was agreed that all rulings and decisions of ISC would be reported to the General Assembly.

    3. A copy of the Competition Rules was distributed to every member of GA and Jyrki Nummenmaa ran through them for the benefit of all.

      Meeting held on 15 July 2001

    4. The Chairman welcomed all to this second meeting of GA. A special welcome was extended to the three new participating countries. The representatives of Mauritius, Norway and Tunisia were recognised by GA. Observer status had been granted to India and they were also welcomed and recognised.

    5. The minutes of the meetings of General Assembly held in Beijing were unanimously accepted as true and correct.

    6. In line with the decisions taken at IOI 2000 and the notification of the Executive Director, the nominations received for the vacancies on IC and ISC were announced. It was agreed that as this was the first year of this process that GA would afforded the opportunity to submit further nominations. The following were proposed and seconded:

      • Member of IC
      • Mario Cruz (Columbia)
      • Richard Forster (U.K.)
      • Clara Ionescu (Romania)
      • Member of ISC
      • Clara Ionescu (Romania)
      • Djura Paunic (Yugoslavia)
    7. Appointment of Scrutineers

      It was agreed that the scrutineers for the elections would be all Past Chairmen of IOI who are present. GA confirmed that any Past Chairman who was also a Team leader or Deputy leader would be eligible to act as scrutineer. The Executive Director confirmed that voting procedures would be as advised to members and the individual elected would have to receive a majority of the votes cast. Ballot forms had been prepared for use in the election.

    8. The IOI 2000 Scientific Committee tabled their sets of problems before Team leaders and Deputy leaders for consideration and acceptance. After discussion and some amendments the tasks were accepted. They were translated, where necessary, by Leaders and Deputies before being made available to all Contestants.

      Meeting held on 17 July 2001

    9. Chairman of the Organising Committee of IOI 2001, Jari Koivisto, welcomed all present and handed the meeting over to Rob Kolstad and the Chairman of the Scientific Committee who dicussed various issues arising out of Competition Day 1 with members of GA. The tasks for Competition Day 2 were distributed and after discussion and some amendments they were accepted by GA.

      Meeting held on 19 July 2001

      Chairman of IC, Zide Du opened this final meeting of GA. He called on the candidates for Election to IC and ISC to address General Assembly for not more than 2 minutes each.

    10. Report by Executive Director

      The Executive Director tabled a report for the year, highlighting the major activities. An Expenditure Budget for the year ahead was tabled, which was unanimously accepted by General Assembly. An Audited set of Financial Statements for the period ended 30 June 2001 was also tabled and approved.

      Registration fees for 2001/02 fixed at US D300 was approved by General Assembly.

    11. Elections for IC

      Delegates voted by secret ballot to fill a vacancy on the ISC to replace Dr Richard Forster, who retired, by rotation, in terms of the rules. The Executive Director announced that Clara Ionescu had decided to withdraw her nomination for this position. The following candidates were available for election:

      • Mario Cruz (Colombia)
      • Richard Forster (U.K.)
      • The Election was monitored by Ries Kock, Gokturk Ucoluk, Peter Hanak, and Lionel Hartmann.
      • Mario Cruz was duly elected.

      The Chairman paid tribute to Richard Forster and thanked him for his contribution to the IC.

    12. Announcement of Host for 2005

      The Chairman announced that after deliberation and due consideration of the proposals received, it was decided to award the Hosting of IOI 2005 to Poland. He thanked both competing countries for their efforts.

    13. Amendments to rules and regulations

      Richard Forster reported to GA on an extensive revision of the Rules and Regulations being undertaken. The proposed changes had been considered by IC and once these are in final form they will be posted on the Web site. Members will be advised and comments and input called for, before submitting the final document to IC for further consideration.

    14. Election of Member of ISC

      Delegates voted by secret ballot to fill a vacancy on ISC created by the retirement, in rotation, of Gyula Horvath of Hungary. Nominations were received for:

      • Clara Ionescu (Romania)
      • Djura Paunic (Yugoslavia)

      The elections were monitored by Ries Kock, Gokturk Ucoluk, Peter Hanak, and Lionel Hartmann.
      Djura Paunic was duly elected.

      The Chairman expressed his appreciation to Gyula Horvath for his major contribution over many years.

    15. General
    16. Second GA Meeting held on 19 July 2001

      This meeting was specifically held to decide on the cut off points for medallists and rankings of the competitors. The SC of IOI 2001 tabled the results and after discussion the cut off point was agreed. The effect of this decision was that 23 Gold, 45 Silver and 68 Bronze medals would be awarded.

      16.1 Ha-Jine Kimn presented the plans for IOI 2002 in Korea to General Assembly
      16.2 Tom Verhoeff delivered a brief report on the activities of ISC for the year.
    17. The next meetings of General Assembly would be held in Yong In, Korea from 18 August to 25 August2002.

    18. Closure

      The Chairman thanked all for their participation and for the contribution made to the effective functioning of General Assembly and declared the meetings of GA for this IOI, closed.