The 8th International Olympiad in Informatics
Veszprém, Hungary, July 25 - August 2, 1996
President: Péter Hanák. 57 countries participated.
- Venue: IOI'96 took place in the Vétesi Albert Secondary School.
- Logo: The logo for IOI'96.
- Poster: The poster of IOI'96.
- Participants: The countries that participated in IOI'96.
- Contest Tasks: The competition tasks, test data, and solutions.
- Contest Results: The list of final scores for IOI'96.
- Leaders and Deputies: These are lists with contact information for the team leaders and deputies at IOI'96.
- Don's Report: This short report for IOI'96 was written by Don Piele, the U.S.A. Delegation Leader.
- Gabriele's Report (German): This short report for IOI'96 was written by Gabriele Reich, the German Delegation Leader, and submitted to appear in Informatik Spektrum.