Argentina |
ali@urano.mecon.ar |
Argentina |
Argentina |
female |
Armenia |
armolco@vx1.yerphi.am |
Computer College Yerevan |
Armenia 375093 Yerevan Mamikoniantz 52 |
(+374-2)-236252 |
(+374-2)-350030 |
Armenia |
male |
FUCHS Josef Karl |
Austria |
karl.fuchs@mh.sbg.ac.at |
Austria 1014 Wien Minoritenplatz 5 |
43 662 80924 |
43 662 80924 40 |
Austria |
male |
Azerbaijan |
Baku State University |
Azerbaijan 370647 Baku Halilov str 3. |
99412 38 25 18 |
male |
KOTOV Vladimir |
Belarus |
kotov@cadcam.bsu.minsk.by |
Discrete Mathematics Fac. of Appl. Math. Byelorussian State Univ. |
Belarus 220050 Minsk 4 Skarina avenue |
007 0172 207914 |
Belarus 220055 Minsk flat 175, 8 Izvestia avenue |
007 0172 726953 |
male |
RAHNEV Assen |
Bulgaria |
Plovdiv University |
Bulgaria 4000 Plovdiv Tsar Assen 24 |
359 32 267821 |
359 32 266435 |
Bulgaria |
male |
FERGUSON Alan Barry |
Canada |
bafergus@jeeves.uwaterloo.ca |
University of Waterloo - Faculty of Mathematics |
Canada N2L 3G1 Waterloo ON 200 University Ave. W. |
519 - 885 - 1211 ext 6845 |
519 - 746 - 6592 |
Canada N0B 2A0 Linwood 11 David St. |
519 - 698 - 2379 |
519 - 698 - 2379 |
male |
WU Wenhu |
China |
chai@hs752.dcs.tsinghua.edu.cn |
Computer Department Tsinghua Univ. |
P.R.China 100081 Beijing 86 Xueyuan Nanlu |
86 10 62594141 |
86 10 62562463 |
P.R.China |
male |
LEE Chung-Mou Greg |
Chinese Taipei |
leeg@ice.ntnu.edu.tw |
National Taiwan Normal University |
Taiwan, ROC Taipei No. 162, Section 1, Ho-Ping East Road |
886-2-362-2841 ext 24 |
886-2-351-2772 |
Taiwan, ROC Taipei |
male |
CRUZ SORARIO Vicente Mario |
Colombia |
olimpia@federman.uanarino.edu.co |
Universidad Antonio Nario - Olimpiaadas |
Colombia Santaf de Bogot Calle 59 No. 38-08 |
(571)2214135 (571)2215177 |
(571)2213352 |
Colombia Santaf de Bogot Calle 115 43-70 Apto. 406 |
(571)2156678 |
male |
Croatia |
isepar@public.srce.hr |
Croatian Informatics Cluba Association |
Croatia 10000 Zagreb Dalmatinska 12 |
385 1 434623 |
385 1 434623 |
Croatia |
male |
MORAJN Gmez Sergio |
Cuba |
Cuba |
Cuba |
male |
MASOURAS Panicos |
Cyprus |
masouras@spidernet.com.cy |
Higher Technical Institute |
Cyprus 1521 NICOSIA PO BOX 2423 |
00-357-2-306234 |
00-357-2-494953 |
Cyprus 2432 ENGOMI NICOSIA PO BOX 7647 |
00-357-2-475109 |
00-357-2-361365 |
male |
Czech Republic |
sedlacek@informatics.muni.cz |
Faculty of Informatics Masaryk University |
Czech Republic 60200 Brno Botanicka 68 |
+42-5-41512349 |
+42-5-44231745 |
Czech Republic 628 00 Brno Kosikova 11 |
+42-5-44231745 |
male |
Denmark |
knud_fjeldsted@fc.sdbs.dk |
Rungsted Gymnasium |
Denmark 2960 Rungsted Kyst Stadion All 14 |
(+45) 4286 3311 |
(+45) 4576 9311 |
Denmark 3000 Helsingor Horsensvej 17 |
(+45) 4921 1677 |
(+45) 4576 9311 (office) |
male |
PRANK Rein |
Estonia |
prank@cs.ut.ee |
Tartu University Institute of Computer Science |
Estonia EE2400 Tartu Liivi 2 |
372 7 465484 |
372 7 465468 |
Estonia |
male |
Finland |
jk@walrus.MEGABAUD.FI, jakoi@vantaa.fi |
Hameenkyla Senior Secondary School |
Finland 01660 Vantaa Varistontie 3 |
(+358-0)-8769547, 8396928, +358-40-5022679 |
(+358-0)-8396199 |
Finland 01200 Vantaa Vaunukalliontie 3E |
+358-0-876 9547 |
male |
GOBERT Stephane |
France |
gobert_s@epita.fr |
France F-75013 PARIS 106 - 112 boulevard de l'hopital |
(33-1) 44 08 01 74 |
(33-1) 44 08 01 95 |
France F-62570 Wizernes 122 rue leon blum |
(33) 21 95 26 57 |
none |
male |
Georgia |
mziuri@mziuri.edu.ge |
Ministry of Education Scientific Industrial Teaching Union SITU Informatics |
Georgia 380002 Tbilisi S2 Uznadze Str |
995 8832 955298 |
995 32 770073 |
Georgia |
male |
REICH Gabriele |
Germany |
bwinf@gmd.de |
Bundeswettbewerb Informatik |
Germany D 53175 Bonn AhrstraBe 45 |
49 228 302198 |
49 228 302196 |
female |
FORSTER Richard |
Great Britain |
forster@comlab.ox.ac.uk |
Trinity College |
Great Britain OX1 3BH Oxford |
01865 512608 |
Great Britain |
male |
Greece |
Greek Computer Society |
Greece 10680 Athens 16 Mavromihali str |
01 36 45274 |
01 36 45154 |
Greece |
male |
TENG Shiu-Bong |
Hong Kong |
poon@HK.Super.NET |
Education Department, Computer Education Section |
Hong Kong Wanchai Room 1311, Wu Chung House, Queen's Road East |
+(852-2892)-6483 |
+(852-2334)-6795, +(852-2573)-2805 |
Hong Kong |
male |
FRIG Jzsef |
Hungary |
frigo@inf.bme.hu |
Dept. of Math. & Comp. Sci., Budapest Univ of Tech. |
Hungary 1521 Budapest Goldmann Gyrgy tr 3. |
(+36-1)-4632897 |
(+36-1)-4633147 |
Hungary Budapest Repkny u. 25. |
(+36-1)-2769040 |
male |
Indonesia |
saputro@cae.wisc.edu |
Faculty of Computer Sciences |
Indonesia 10430 Jakarta Jl. Salemba Raya 4 |
+62 21 786-3419 |
+62 21 786-3415 |
Indonesia 53705 Madison, Wisconsin 817-F Eagle Heights |
(608) 231-0990 |
(608) 231-0990 |
male |
GHODSI Mohamed |
Iran |
ghodsi@rose.ipm.ac.ir |
Head of Dept, Comp, Engg Dept, Sharif Univ of Tech |
Iran Tehran PO BOX 11365-9517 |
98 21 600 5616 |
98 21 600 5616 |
Iran |
male |
DALY Charlie |
Ireland |
cdaly@compapp.dcu.ie |
Dublin City University |
Ireland Dublin |
353 1 704 5572 |
353 1 704 5442 |
Ireland Dublin |
male |
KOMAR Meir |
Israel |
komar@brachot.jct.ac.il |
Jerusalem College of Technology |
Israel 91160 Jerusalem PO BOX 16031 |
972 2 751166 |
972 2 422075 |
Israel 95405 jerusalem Chai Taib 13 |
+972-2-6519548 |
+972-2-422075 |
male |
MORIYA Etsuro |
Japan |
moriya@cfi.waseda.ac.jp |
Department of Mathematics, School of Education, Waseda University |
Japan 169-50 Tokyo 1 6 1 Nishi-Waseda, Shinjuku-ku |
81 3 5286 1867 |
81 3 5286 1308 |
Japan 229 Kanagawa 2-8-68 Aihara, Sagamihara-shi |
81 427 71 8319 |
81 427 71 8319 |
male |
KIMN Ha-Jine |
Korea |
hjkimn@garam.kreonet.ac.kr |
Korea 156072 Seoul 28 Hoeksuk 2 Dong, Hangang Hyandai apt 109-30 |
82 2 588 4001 |
82 2 521 1352 |
Korea |
82 2 815 5349 |
82 2 812 8060 |
male |
Kuwait |
Ministry of Education Kuwait |
Kuwait 44665 Hawally -32061 |
965-5318720 |
965-5326746 |
Kuwait Hawally PO Box4665 code #32061 |
male |
VITINS Maris |
Latvia |
vitins@si.lv |
Institute of Matematics and Computer Science University of Latvia |
Latvia LV 1459 Riga Rainis Boulevard 29 |
371 7 223727 |
371 7 820153 |
LA |
male |
DAGYS Viktoras |
Lithuania |
viktoras@mijpm.vno.soros.lt |
Ministry of Education and Science Centre of Informatics and Forecasting |
Lithuania 2600 Vilnius Suvalku 1 |
370 2 650134 |
370 2 651684 |
male |
Luxembourg |
marco.bonvini@ci.educ.lu |
Lycee technique de Bonnevoie |
Luxembourg L-1338 Luxembourg 119, rue du Cimetiere |
+352 40 39 45 |
Luxembourg L-4945 Bascharage rue um Bechel, 8 |
+352 50 07 06 |
+352 50 79 41 |
male |
LAM Teng |
Macau |
cputl@umacsn1.umac.mo |
University of Macau |
Macau Macau PO BOX 3001 |
853 3974565 |
853 831694 |
Macau C-126267 |
male |
Macedonia |
gjorgji@robig.pmf.ukim.edu.mk |
Institute of Informatics Faculty of Mat. and Natural Sci. |
Macedonia 91000 Skopje PO BOX 162 |
389 91 117055 |
389 91 232 078 |
male |
ZARAGOZA MARTINEZ Francisco Javier |
Mexico |
franz@esfm.ipn.mx |
Dept. Matematicas/Escuela Superior de Fisica y Matematicas/IPN |
Mexico 07738 Mexico City Av. Instituto Politecnico Nacional/UPALM Zacatenco/Edificio 9 |
+52(5) 729 6000 x55011 or x55018 |
+52(5) 729 6000 x55051 |
Mexico 54740 Cuautitlan Izcalli/Estado de Mexico Otumba #35 |
+52(5) 873 6643 |
male |
Moldova |
Universitatea Tehnica a Moldovei |
Moldova MD 2012 Chisinau Stefa cel Mare 168 |
Moldova |
a |
male |
Netherlands |
Eljakim@CS.UTWENTE.nl |
Netherlands |
Netherlands Hengelo Brinkstraat 26-1 |
(+31-74)-2910339 |
male |
WALIGORSKI Stanislaw |
Poland |
waligor@mimuw.edu.pl |
Institute if Informatics Warsaw University |
Poland 02097 Warsaw Banacha 2 |
6583165 |
6583164 |
Poland Warsaw Hoza 29/31 57 |
male |
Portugal |
pg@di.fct.unl.pt |
Depaetamento de Informtica, FCT/UNL |
Portugal no 127-i0seq Av. Almirate Reis |
(+351 1) 294 8536 |
(+351 1) 294 8541 |
Portugal P-1900 LISBOA Av. Eng. Arantes e Oliveira 2, 4 G |
(+351 1) 840 6224 |
male |
ATANASIU Constantin Adrian |
Romania |
adrian@matem.buc.soros.ro |
Faculty of Matematics, Bucharest University |
Romania 70738 Bucharest Str. Academiei 14 |
Romania |
(+40-01)-6302313 |
(+40-01)-6302313 |
male |
KIRYUKHIN Vladimir |
Russian Federation |
VKiryukhin@elco.gamma.ru |
ELCO Technology |
Russian Federation 117311 Moscow 9/10 Vernadskogo prosp. |
(+7-095)-9329801 |
(+7-095)-9394684 |
Russian Federation 113543 Moscow Kirovogradsky Proezd, 3-2-248 |
(+7-095)-3882482 |
male |
LEE Yeung Sin |
Singapore |
jlee@iscs.nus.sg |
Dep. of Inform. Systems and Comp. Science, National University of Singapore |
Singapore 0512 Singapore Kent Ridge Road |
+65 7722732 |
Singapore |
male |
Slovakia |
blahova@vuped.sanet.sk |
National Insitute of Education |
Slovakia 830 00 Bratislava Pluhova 8, PO BOX 26 |
42 7 255853 |
42 7 271187 |
Slovakia 811 06 Bratislava Misikova 38 |
+42 7 497531 |
female |
DORN Roman |
Slovenia |
Roman.Dorn@fer.uni-lj.si |
Slovenia |
Slovenia |
male |
South Africa |
per@aztec.co.za (also: per@oldmutual.com) |
Old Mutual/CSSA Computer Olympiad |
South Africa 8000 Cape Town P O Box 66 |
(+27-82)-44 88 303 (Cell Phone) |
(+27-21)-509 4634 |
South Africa 7800 Cape Town 49 Ladies Mile Extension, Constantia |
(+27-21)-794 7432 |
(+27-21)-794 2633 |
male |
CHANDRANATH Thambiayah Lalkumar |
Sri Lanka |
mashish@cintec.ac.lk |
Computer and Information Technology Council of Sri Lanka (CINTEC) |
Sri Lanka Colombo 03 No. 9, Clifford Avenue |
(+94-1)-573326, 574737 |
(+94-1)-574799 |
Sri Lanka |
male |
Sweden |
hakan@haninge.kth.se |
Sweden |
0046 87121304 |
Sweden 13543 Tyreso Myggdalsv 76 |
male |
Switzerland |
Kantonsschule Dubendorf |
Switzerland CH 8600 Dubendorf Zwinggarten str 28 |
0041 1 821 1422 |
0041 1 821 1416 |
Switzerland |
male |
Thailand |
oicst@chulkn.chula.ac.th |
Institute for the Teaching Science and Technology |
Thailand 10110 Bangkok 924 Sukhumvit Ekamai |
662 392 2561 |
662 381 0750 |
Thailand |
male |
Trinidad and Tobago |
noel@centre.uwi.tt |
University of the West Indies |
Trinidad Princess Town 47 Second Ave |
(+809) 663-1334 |
(+809) 645-7132 |
Trinidad Princes Town 47 Second Avenue |
(809) 655-5713 |
male |
POLAT Faruk |
Turkey |
polat@ceng.metu.edu.tr |
Dept. of Computer Engineering Middle East Technical University |
Turkey 06531 Ankara |
90 312 210 5543 |
90 312 210 1259 |
Turkey Ankara Demetgul Mh. 34.Sk. 15/35 Demetevler |
90 312 346 7964 |
male |
Ukraine |
bardadym@issep.freenet.kiev.ua |
International Renaissance Foundation |
Ukraine 252030 Kyiv PO BOX 358/3 |
(+380-44)-2249159 |
(+380+44)-2302375 |
Ukraine |
male |
PIELE T. Don |
United States of America |
piele@cs.uwp.edu |
USACO University of Wisconsin-Parkside |
USA 53141 Kenosha,Wisconsin 900 wood rd |
414 634 0868 |
414 595 2056 |
male |
MY Xuan Nguyen |
Vietnam |
Hanoi University department of Informatics |
Vietnam Hanoi Nguyen trai st 90 |
Vietnam |
male |
TUBA Milan |
Yugoslavia |
tuba@tuba.matf.bg.ac.yu |
Matematicki Fakultet |
Yugoslavia 11000 Beograd Studentski trg 16 |
(+381-11)-630-151 |
same |
Yugoslavia 11070 Belgrade 3. bulevar 178/26 |
(+381-11)-135-682 |
(+381-11)-135-682 |
male |