© Institute of Mathematics and Informatics,
ISSN 1822-7732
Strategy for ICT Skills Teachers and Informatics Olympiad Coaches Development
Vladimir M. KIRYUKHINa, Marina S. TSVETKOVAb
aDepartment of Informaticss and Control Systems, National Research Nuclear University Kashirskoe Shosse 31, Moscow 115409, Russian Federation E-mail: vkiryukhin@nmg.ru , msvm@lianet.ru
bPublishing House ``BINOM. Knowledge Laboratory'' Proezd Aeroporta 3, Moscow 125167, Russian Federation E-mail: tsvetkova@lbz.ru , msvm@lianet.ru
The raising of interest in pupils to study informatics and become involved in informatics olympiads in many respects depends on the qualification of teachers and the coaches who are engaged in the search and preparation of pupils for informatics olympiads. The analysis of tendencies of development in the Russian and international informatics competition over the last 10 years, and programs of informatization of schools in Russia, has allowed three levels of informatics and informational communication technologies (ICT) to be defined for the preparation of school teachers in Russia. In the given article these levels of ICT preparation of school teachers in Russia and their link among themselves are described. Organization of the preparation of teachers, taking into account characteristic features for each level, will allow the essential quantity of participants of the informatics olympiads to increase and will raise the results of their involvement in the Russian and i nternational informatics olympiads.
secondary school education, informatics and informational communication technolo-\break gies skills of teachers, Olympiads in informatics, IOI, informatization of education system, state educational programs, ICT competence of teachers
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Copyright © Olympiads in Informatics, Vilnius University Institute of Mathematics and Informatics, 2010