OLYMPIADS IN INFORMATICS, 2012, Vol. 6, 205-211
© Institute of Mathematics and Informatics,
ISSN 1822-7732
Putka - A Web Application in Support of Computer Programming Education
Zavod za racunalnisko izobrazevanje Ljubljana (Institute for Computer Education Ljubljana) p.p. 4716, SI-1001 Ljubljana, Slovenia Jozef Stefan Institute Jamova 39, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia E-mail: jelko.urbancic@guest.arnes.si, t.mitja@gmail.com
In many countries the interest in pre-university computer programming education has been changed during the last decade. In the Slovenian case, the education reform, demographic and other reasons produced a big decrease of interest among young people. The paper describes our approach to increasing the interest for computer programming by integrating a web based tool ``Putka'' into the education process. Putka is, at its core, an online judge. Two facts make it stand apart from similar applications, however. First, its design and many additional features are influenced by its heavy use in support during long-term programming classes rather than only one-off competitions. Second, while its use in the classroom was the primary motivation for developing Putka, it has also hosted numerous competitions with varying rules. Out of necessity, this multifaceted nature bore what we believe to be a very flexible technical design.
computer programming education, web based education tool, online judge
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Copyright © Olympiads in Informatics, Vilnius University Institute of Mathematics and Informatics, 2012