OLYMPIADS IN INFORMATICS, 2017, Vol. 11, pp. 3 - 18
© IOI, Vilnius University

ISSN 1822-7732

DOI: 10.15388/ioi.2017.01

Constructive Problems in the Structure of the Olympiad in Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Informatics


1Informational and methodological center of computer technologies and informatics faculty of SPbETU “LETI” 197376, Saint-Petersburg, prof. Popovs str., 5 tel. (812) 234-63-81, 26-96-493
2Department of Mathematics, Saint Petersburg Electrotechnical University Mathematics and Mechanics Faculty, St. Petersburg State University 192281, Saint-Petersburg, Kupchinskaya str., 10-3-223 tel. (812) 234-63-81, (911) 76-98-492
3Department of Mathematics, Saint Petersburg Electrotechnical University “LETI” 194292, Saint-Petersburg, Rudneva str., 31/29 - 45 tel. (812) 234-63-81, (921) 976-96-87
e-mail: vasiliy.akimushkin@gmail.com, pozdnkov@gmail.com, septembreange@gmail.com


In the paper problems which organizers of Olympiads are faced considered. The approach to solve this problems suggested. This approach is based on activity theory and includes using rather simple constructive problems as a first step to more complicated theoretical ones. The experience of implementing this approach within the framework of the Olympiad in Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Informatics is described. The focus is set on computer manipulators – interactive dynamic models of mathematical and informatical object.


Olympiads in informatics, discrete mathematics, computer science education, constructive problems, information technologies in education.

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Copyright © International Olympiad in Informatics, 2017
Vilnius University, 2017