OLYMPIADS IN INFORMATICS, 2017, Vol. 11, pp. 93 - 107
© IOI, Vilnius University
ISSN 1822-7732
DOI: 10.15388/ioi.2017.08
On a Metodology for Creating School Curricula in Computing
Krassimir MANEV1, Neli MANEVA2
1Department of Informatics, New Bulgarian University,
21, Montevideo str., 1618 Sofia, Bulgaria
2Bulgarian Academie of Science, Institute of Mathematics and Informatics
Acad. G. Bonchev Str., bl. 8, 1113 Sofia, Bulgaria
e-mail: kmanev@nbu.bg, neman@math.bas.bg
It is obvious that the scientific and practical human activity domain having computers as main objects – called further Computing – became crucial for development and well-being of the Humanity. That is why education in Computing has to find its adequate place in the curricula of the school all over the world. The paper proposes a methodology for development of school curricula in Computing. The main feature of this methodology is that it is extracted from the guidance for creating university curricula in Computing of the most respected professional associations in the domain – ACM and the CS section of IEEE. As a sample that illustrates application of the methodology, a part of a specific Curriculum is created.
computing, education in Computing, curriculum, curricula development, methodology.
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Copyright © International Olympiad in Informatics, 2017
Vilnius University, 2017