Volume 10 (2016)
- Foreword (1-2)
- J. Alemany Flos, J. Vilella Vilahur.
- eSeeCode: Creating a Computer Language from Teaching Experiences (3-18)
- R. Castro, N. Lehmann, J. Pérez and B. Subercaseaux.
- Wavelet Trees for Competitive Programming (19-37)
- S. Combéfis, G. Beresnevičius, V. Dagienė.
- Learning Programming through Games and Contests: Overview, Characterisation and Discussion (39-60)
- Á. Erdősné Németh, L. Zsakó.
- The Place of the Dynamic Programming Concept in the Progression of Contestants' Thinking (61-72)
- S. Grütter, D. Graf, B. Schmid.
- Watch them Fight! Creativity Task Tournaments of the Swiss Olympiad in Informatics (73-85)
- J. I. Gunawan.
- Understanding Unsolvable Problem (87-98)
- J. Hromkovič.
- Homo Informaticus - Why Computer Science Fundamentals are an Unavoidable Part of Human Culture and How to Teach Them (99-109)
- J. Hromkovič, T. Kohn, D. Komm, and G. Serafini.
- Examples of Algorithmic Thinking in Programming Education (111-124)
- M. Kabátová, I. Kalaš, M. Tomcsányiová
- Programming in Slovak Primary Schools (125-159)
- E. Kalinicenko, M. Opmanis.
- Collecting, Processing and Maintaining IOI Statistics (161-176)
- A. Karczmarz, J. Łacki, A. Polak, J. Radoszewski and J. O. Wojtaszczyk.
- Distributed Tasks: Introducing Distributed Computing to Programming Competitions (177-194)
- M.M.I. Liem.
- Reshaping Indonesian Students Training for IOI (195-205)
- W. Di Luigi, G. Farina, L. Laura, U. Nanni, M. Temperini and L. Versari.
- oii-web: an Interactive Online Programming Contest Training System (207-222)
- W. van der Vegt.
- Bridging the Gap Between Bebras and Olympiad; Experiences from the Netherlands (223-230)
- T. Verhoeff.
- Problem Solving, Presenting, and Programming: A Matter of Giving and Taking (231-235)
- M. Dolinsky.
- Gomel Training School for Olympiads in Informatics (237-247)
- V. Dumanyan, A. Andreasyan.
- Armenia: IOI Participation and National Olympiads in Informatics (249-254)
- A. Gremalschi, A. Prisacaru, S. Corlat.
- Olympiads of Informatics in Republic of Moldova (255-262)
- A. Iglikov, M. Kytybayev, B. Matkarimov.
- IOI 2015 Report (263-278)
- A. Khuder, D. Tsedevsuren.
- The Informatics Olympiad in Mongolia: Training resources for non-English speaking students (279-283)
- I. Kirynovich, A. Tolstsikau.
- Belarusian Olympiad in Informatics (285_290)